
“Green” Boating

We all LOVE the power and speed of our ski boats, wakeboard boats, jet skis, pontoon boats, and so on, there’s no arguing that. But there’s a time for slow and steady too, and more and more, there’s an interest in “green” everything. So…how about “green” boating?

Peddle Power…

Traditional Paddle Boat

Traditional Paddle Boat

Peddle (or paddle) boats are typically the small, low-in-the-water kind of boat pictured at the left. They usually seat two or three people. They have a small paddle wheel for propulsion, powered by the peddling of the passengers, and a small rudder attached to a lever of some sort for steering.

There are alternatives to the traditional paddle boats. One is the Aqua Cycle, a pontoon paddle boat. There are various configurations available, but the one pictured is the Aqua Cycle II. It has seating for two facing forward and Read More