
2017 Members Weekend Recap

In case you were unable to attend the 2017 Annual LAPOA Members Weekend and Annual Meeting, here is a brief synopsis, as well as some of the latest news.

  1. The weekend started Friday evening with an outdoor movie hosted by the Griffins.  Approximately 30 members enjoyed popcorn and the old classic
    Rowing Regatta

    Rowing Regatta

    “Cocoon”.  Thanks Janice and Richard!

  2. On Saturday morning, a rowing regatta with 14 sculls and kayaks enjoyed a fun outing.
  3. Beautiful morning for rowing!

    Beautiful morning for rowing!

    Saturday afternoon offered a sailing regatta.  Unfortunately, there was no wind!   None the less, several boats went out and barely made it home!

  4. Saturday Night was our annual dinner and meeting.  Topics included:
  • Membership.  Membership in LAPOA has grown over the last four years from 50 homes, to 170 for the 2016-17 year!  We are currently at 150 for the 2017-18 membership year.
  • Upcoming events:
    • Skiin’ with the Galilean.  Water Ski/Bible Camp for orphans and children with special needs, June 27-29.  To register as a volunteer, go to
    • July 4 Boat Parade.  Meet behind Goat Island at 7:00 p.m.  The Parade departs at 7:15 p.m.
  • Board of Directors Election.  The LAPOA Board of Directors was recognized, (Max Ciccarelli; Carol Driscoll; Karen Mondini; Geri Moran, Treasurer; Dorian Reeder, Secretary; Jane Nettune, Vice President; Todd Garrett, President), and Max Ciccarelli, Jane Nettune and Dorian Reeder were re-elected to serve new terms.
  • Mission Statement.  After careful consideration, the LAPOA Board of Directors adopted a simplified Mission Statement which now reads “The Purpose of LAPOA is to Preserve and Protect Lake Athens.” We believe this statement more closely reflects our work and our goals over the past several years as we have faced issues of potential large development, vegetation overgrowth and most recently annexation. By working together and through the efforts of large numbers of our members attending AMWA, City of Athens, and LAPOA Meetings to voice their concerns, we have had a significant impact on these issues.
    • This new mission statement will guide our endeavors going forward.  Therefore, and due to a low participation rate, LAPOA will no longer work to organize sailing, skiing or rowing clubs.  Our thanks to Larry Julian, Richard Griffin, and Marc Abadie for their efforts over the past few years!  If you would like to sail, ski, or row, please contact us and we will put you in touch with people who can help.
  • Marina Complex.  The Athens Boathouse Restaurant & Bar was scheduled for a soft opening over Memorial Day.  It was not quite ready.  We are told it should be opening soon. To the best of our ability, we will continue to monitor developments on the 45-acre Marina complex.
  • AMWA.
    Todd's Address

    Todd’s Address

    Members of your LAPOA Board of Directors attend every AMWA meeting.  Two new members were elected to the AMWA Board last year.  We are encouraged by the new tone at the AMWA meetings.  We will continue to monitor the meetings, inform you of developments and encourage your attendance as needed.

  • Vegetation.  Lake Athens has experienced an explosion in vegetation over the last several years.  During this time, LAPOA has been alerting AMWA and Texas Parks & Wildlife Department to the growing problem. Unfortunately, neither AMWA nor TPWD are willing to take action.  As a result, LAPOA initiated and organized a member meeting with TPWD to try and resolve the issue.  LAPOA came up with a strategy to organize the lake by neighborhoods for treatment.  TPWD and AMWA agreed and 202 lots were treated on May 22-24 by Solitude Lake Management.
    • Solitude has stated that they believe the treatment will be at least 80% effective.  They have asked for us to allow two weeks before evaluating the treatments’ effectiveness.
    • Both Solitude and TPWD stated that they have never seen such an organized effort.
    • Thank you to all of our neighborhood leaders!  Without your efforts, none of this would have been possible.
  • Annexation.  Around mid-March, the Athens City Council and then Mayor Jerry Don Vaught released a 2017 Strategic Map for the City of Athens.  In it appeared the following:

–  Develop and implement an Annexation Plan focused on a) Lake Athens ETJ (Extra Territorial Jurisdiction), b) Primary Corridors and Loop 7
– Prioritize expansion of services along the City’s eastern boundary
– Plan for and fund a 3rd Fire Station and related personnel and equipment to be built within the City’s eastern boundary

  • As a result, LAPOA met with the Mayor Vaught, City Manager Philip Rodriguez, and Mayoral candidate (now Mayor) Monte Montgomery to discuss the annexation of the Lake area.
  • While much has transpired, here is the latest:
    • Monte Montgomery was elected Mayor, and has stated he is opposed to annexing the Lake area.
    • The Athens City Council and City Manager that created the long-range plan that included annexation, are still in office.
    • Manager Rodriguez, and Mayor Montgomery have both stated that the City could never provide water or sewer to the Lake Athens residents.
    • If annexed, your tax bill would increase approximately $800 per $100,000 in value.
    • The Texas State Legislature considered Senate Bill 715 to end forced annexation.  It died at the hands of a filibuster by State Senator José Menéndez (D – San Antonio).  Governor Greg Abbott has called for a special session and has included Municipal Annexation Reform as one of the 19 items on the agenda.  Thank you all for your calls to various legislators during this time!  Thanks to Dorian for keeping us all up to date on SB 715!
    • Your LAPOA Board of Directors is opposed to annexation, and will do whatever possible to oppose it.
    • We will keep you posted on future developments.
  • LAPOA Finances.  A few of you have asked where your LAPOA dues go.  This is an excellent question.
    • LAPOA has tripled its membership in the last four years.  Our total income at year-end 2016 was $4,563.44, our expenses were $3,215.37, and our bank balance was $6,779.44.
    • As you can see, both our revenues and expenses are very low. Our effectiveness in communicating with our members, and in organizing as issues arise, is dependent on our ability to communicate efficiently and there are continuing expenses associated with maintaining a website and mail server.  When you consider the gross value of Lake Athens properties and that LAPOA is the only organization working to protect and preserve Lake Athens (and your investment), we believe your participation in LAPOA is an unbelievable value.
  • The Future. Our most effective tool in preserving and protecting Lake Athens is you, our members.  One thing we have found that our elected and non -elected government leaders respect is large numbers of unified and concerned citizens.  Your participation at meetings and your contact with various officials has made a huge difference in all that we do.  Without your unified support, we would not have been able to successfully oppose significant development of the Marina, or push through a widespread vegetation plan.  You are also our greatest hope for opposing annexation should that threat materialize.
    • To that end, while LAPOA has grown significantly, it is still not enough.  We would like to see our membership grow to at least 300 property owners in the near future.  Together, we have the best chance at protecting Lake Athens.
    • Please share with your neighbors the value and importance of being a unified team of Lake Athens property owners.  They can join online on the Registration Page of our website here
      Meet & Greet

      Meet & Greet


  1. To complete the weekend, on Sunday Morning, Steve and Judy Blaising hosted a wonderful Gospel Brunch.  The food and fellowship were excellent, and, as always, Steve gave a life changing message.  Thanks Blaisings!  Sunday afternoon culminated with home owner shore clean up.

We realize that May was not the best month for hosting the 4th Annual LAPOA Weekend.  Unfortunately, it was all that the Texas Freshwater Fisheries Center had available.  We have scheduled the 5th Annual LAPOA Weekend for June 8-10.  Please mark your calendars.

As always, your LAPOA Board of Directors is open to critique, observation, recommendation, advice and help. Please feel free to contact us at [email protected].

Thank you all for a wonderful weekend!







