
Invasive Giant Salvinia Found at Lake Athens…AGAIN!

UPDATE:  On September 16th, 2020, the Athens Municipal Water Authority (AMWA) issued the following press release confirming a second infestation of Giant Salvinia on Lake Athens:

“ATHENS, TEXAS – On Tuesday and Wednesday of this week the biologists from the Aquatic Habitat Enhancement team with Texas Parks and Wildlife conducted a comprehensive vegetation survey of the shoreline of Lake Athens.

It has been confirmed that small amounts of Giant Salvinia have been found on Lake Athens. TPWD is currently formulating a treatment and containment plan.

The Athens Municipal Water Authority will release more details as TPWD confirms further information.”

The Texas Parks & Wildlife Department posted a news release on February 21, 2018 stating that the extremely invasive, non-native plant, giant salvinia, had been found in multiple locations near the Lake Athens Marina boat ramp.

From the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department news release of February 21, 2018: Read More


Possible Mountain Lion Sighting?

Are there mountain lions around Lake Athens? According to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department website, they have “records of mountain lions occurring in every county of Texas except for the northernmost counties of the Panhandle.”

We were contacted recently by LAPOA member Brad Reid, who told us about a nearby neighbor, Coy Dulaney, who captured an image on his game camera not long before Christmas that Read More


Texas Senate Bill 715 – Texas Annexation Reform Act

CALL TO ACTION! – March 27th, 2017

We need your help!  We want to strongly urge you to TAKE ACTION in support of Texas Senate Bill 715 – Relating to municipal annexation (a.k.a., the Texas Annexation Reform Act), by writing to your State Senator TODAY!  The bill is currently in the Senate Committee on Intergovernmental Relations.

As you know by now, the City of Athens has a bullet item in their 2017 Strategic Map stating, “Develop and implement an Annexation Plan focused on a) Lake Athens ETJ b) Primary Corridors and Loop 7”. Read More


Another successful 4th of July weekend

Dear LAPOA Members,

We hope you had a wonderful time with family and friends celebrating the 4th of July on Lake Athens.

We wanted to thank LAPOA members Craig and Machelle Blaesing for their efforts in organizing the 4th annual 4th of July Boat Parade.  We also want to thank the large number of people who decorated boats and joined in the parade.  It continues to grow and was a huge success for 2015! Read More


The Eagle has flown

On Sunday, February 22nd, 2015, several of my neighbors and I had the distinct honor and privilege of witnessing Master Falconer John A. Karger of the Last Chance Forever Bird of Prey Conservancy, release a rehabilitated Bald Eagle on the property north of the Lake Athens dam. Our neighbors and LAPOA members, Tom and Anne Potthoff, who own the property, were kind enough to invite us to attend the big event. This article will be short on words, but I hope the photos and videos will more than make up for that. Click on any photo to open a larger version in a new tab. Read More


“Green” Boating

We all LOVE the power and speed of our ski boats, wakeboard boats, jet skis, pontoon boats, and so on, there’s no arguing that. But there’s a time for slow and steady too, and more and more, there’s an interest in “green” everything. So…how about “green” boating?

Peddle Power…

Traditional Paddle Boat

Traditional Paddle Boat

Peddle (or paddle) boats are typically the small, low-in-the-water kind of boat pictured at the left. They usually seat two or three people. They have a small paddle wheel for propulsion, powered by the peddling of the passengers, and a small rudder attached to a lever of some sort for steering.

There are alternatives to the traditional paddle boats. One is the Aqua Cycle, a pontoon paddle boat. There are various configurations available, but the one pictured is the Aqua Cycle II. It has seating for two facing forward and Read More


Removing Lakefront Weeds

Got annoying weeds along your shoreline? We can’t legally put chemicals in the water to kill them, but there might be another solution.

Weed Razer

Weed Razer

During the Annual Members Meeting on June 14th, 2014, one member asked that question. There were two other members who recommended the same product, the “Weed Razer” by Jenlis Inc. Although LAPOA does not endorse products, these two member families who own it and had used it had high praise for it. Jenlis’ website homepage is

The Weed Razer has two 32 inch blades which, after assembly, provide a 48 inch cutting swath. Its handle is 65 inches long and comes with 25 feet of rope to allow throwing and retrieving. It weighs less than eight pounds. The company states that average assembly time is about 15 minutes and an online instructional video covering assembly is available on the product’s web page. The video runs just under nine minutes. Read More