
More changes in store for AMWA

The AMWA Board of Directors meeting on April 8th, 2015, ushered in more changes for the Authority. What follows is a high level summary of some of the events in the meeting that Lake Athens property owners may find of interest. You may also wish to read this article by Rich Flowers in the Athens Daily Review: Casey steps in at water authority.

There were approximately 20 – 25 spectators in attendance, including Athens Mayor Jerry Don Vaught and recently appointed City Administrator, Philip Rodriguez.

1. Steve Sparkman, President of the Board, gave the Lake Athens committee report. Among other things, he reported that during a recent Sunday bass fishing tournament, there were 100 boat trailers parked at the marina.

2. Darlene Forshage, Office Manager, gave the Finance committee report. They currently have approximately $5,550,000 in their accounts.

3. Sparkman introduced Bill Casey as the new Executive Director, then Casey gave the Executive Director’s report.

• Casey thanked the Directors for selecting him to be the Executive Director. He stated that his first goal is to operate in partnership with the community, specifically the Lake Athens community and the City of Athens.

• He also thanked Darlene Forshage for helping him get settled into the Executive Director role. He then announced that Forshage will be retiring the end of April. He introduced Heidi Harris, who will be replacing Forshage.

• Casey announced that he will serve as the Chief of the AMWA Police Department himself, and will also serve as the Lake Athens Building Inspector.

• He announced that he had hired Bill Magee to serve as the Lake Patrol Officer.

• He announced that they have moved their offices from the Hwy 19 North location to the Pavilion building at the marina (this may only be temporary depending on the contract with a new facilities operator or operators). Read more in this blog post on the AMWA website: Howdy, Neighbor!

4. Tyler Hendrickson, with Velvin & Weeks Consulting Engineers, gave the Engineer’s report.

• At the recommendation of Velvin & Weeks, the Board awarded a contract to Carr Construction for property maintenance at Powder River Tract (well farm), Franks Tract, Oakwood property and Lake Athens Dam Property in the amount of approximately $22,600.

• Also at the recommendation of Velvin & Weeks, the Board approved contracting with Oncor Electric Delivery Company to install the underground power supply to the Powder River tract at a cost of approximately $170,000.

5. Sparkman proposed partnering with Athens Economic Development Corporation on a possible project for the City and AMWA to annex a 30 acre tract south of the hospital in the vicinity of Hwy 19 South and Hwy 7 Loop.

• A real estate developer has a contingency offer from a prospective buyer who wants to open a 100 bed nursing home/retirement center on 10 acres, with the other 20 acres eventually being for a convenience store/fuel station and commercial office complex. The nursing home would expect to provide 10 – 30 new jobs.

• If all other contingencies are able to be met (annexation, zoning, water supply), AMWA would expend in the neighborhood of $295,000 for construction of the sewage system for the newly annexed tract, which would then be deeded over to the City. The AEDC share would be $50,000 and it would be for professional services (inspections, Velvin & Weeks, etc.) Water supply already exists to this tract.

• Martin Bennett, the attorney for AMWA, read the portion of the Texas Water Code granting AMWA the authority to participate in such a project constructing a sewage disposal system.

6. During the March 19th Special Session, the Board decided to not accept an offer from the creditors with interest in the personal property located in the marina facilities to purchase the personal property for $33,000. Martin Bennett reported that the creditors had asked if AMWA would consider making a counter offer, and also reporting that they implied that they would take no less than $10,000. The Board agreed to make a counter offer of $10,000.

7. The Board approved making a few minor, mostly corrective, revisions to the Rules & Regulations Concerning the Quality of Water and Use and Enjoyment of Lake Athens.

8. The Additional Raw Water Supply Contract with Lake Athens Partners, L.P. (owner of the golf course property on Lake Athens) was extended with no increase in rate (the rate is $0.74 per 1,000 gallons).

9. Regarding the Ground Lease Agreement with Texas Parks & Wildlife Department, the lease is for the portion of the TFFC grounds where the wetlands trail is. The lease was apparently approved years ago, but was never actually signed by all parties. This action was apparently to approve signing the lease.

10. During the opportunity for the citizens to speak, several people spoke about a variety of topics.

• One LAPOA member asked where the money for the construction of the sewage system was coming from and if it would be replaced by raising taxes. Martin Bennett stated that while the Board could not answer questions during this time, they were allowed to make statements of fact. Steve Sparkman’s statement reiterated AMWA’s sources of funds and that AMWA had lowered taxes in 2014.

• Another LAPOA member stated their concern regarding zebra mussels, to which Darlene Forshage stated that information about zebra mussels is in this blog post on the AMWA website: TPWD Combats Zebra Mussels.

• Another LAPOA member encouraged the Board to continue to require any future RV Park operator to enforce a maximum time limit that anyone could stay at the RV Park.

• Another LAPOA member asked that someone from AMWA advise Lake Athens Partners, L.P. that the best time for irrigating to minimize water loss due to evaporation is during the overnight hours rather than the middle of the day.

• Another LAPOA member congratulated the Board on the appointment of Bill Casey as Executive Director, and congratulated Casey on the hiring of Bill Magee as the Lake Athens Patrol Officer.

The next AMWA Board of Directors Regular Session is scheduled for Wednesday, May 13th, 2015, 8:00 AM, at the Hart-Morris Conservation Center of TFFC, located at 5601 CR 4812 (Peninsula Point Drive).

Your LAPOA Board of Directors