
Summer 2014 Members Update

Dear Lake Athens Neighbors,

2013/2014 has been an eventful period on Lake Athens, and a busy time for your LAPOA Board. We would like to update you on the work that has been accomplished, as well as future initiatives.

The following 2013/2014 accomplishments were presented to the LAPOA membership at our June 13 Annual Meeting and Dinner:

1. Due to the concerns of low water levels, we initiated and hosted a meeting for our membership with the Executive Director of AMWA in order to hear AMWA’s side of the story regarding water levels, water usage, and other lake related issues.

2. LAPOA started Clubs in order to build community on Lake Athens. We currently have a Sailing Club, Skiing Club, and Rowing Club. Members are enjoying being together while participating in the lake activities that they love.

3. Founding member and Secretary Jerry Bergman retired from the LAPOA Board. Jerry was a dedicated and tireless servant of the organization. He was made an honorary, lifetime member of LAPOA.

4. Dorian Reeder joined the LAPOA Board as Secretary. Since that time, Dorian has accomplished many tasks, including building a new website and helping to update LAPOA’s Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation.

5. The Board established criteria for membership in LAPOA in order to protect LAPOA’s purpose and mission.

6. The Board passed a resolution opposing any new boat ramps, marinas, or boat docks for non – water front property owners.

7. The Board worked with AMWA to establish a joint Lake Enhancement Committee. Our work is complete. We are waiting on AMWA to establish their committee and activate the policy.

8. We advocated that AMWA establish a formal dredging and vegetation policy. They have established a dredging policy. The AMWA vegetation policy has not been formalized (see the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department’s Aquatic Vegetation Management In Texas: A Guidance Document).

9. We asked AMWA to remove several derelict boats on the lake. Three were removed, either by their owners or by AMWA, and one remains. We will continue to advocate that AMWA remove the last remaining boat.

10. In order to be more inclusive of our “Weekender” members, we changed LAPOA’s calendar year to July – June. As a result, our annual meeting will occur in June, allowing our weekender members to attend our annual meeting during the summer season.

11. The Board cleaned up a number of issues in LAPOA’s Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation.

12. Dorian Reeder built a brand new LAPOA website that will better serve our membership. Dorian will continue to enhance and expand the website as needs arise.

13. LAPOA communications have gone electronic. In order to save money and enhance communication, LAPOA will communicate via email and the website as opposed to snail mail.

14. AMWA vs. the City of Athens. This was clearly Lake Athens biggest story of the year. The LAPOA Board:

• Investigated the conflict
• Proposed and hosted a public debate between AMWA and the City of Athens.
• After careful deliberation, created and distributed a principled resolution regarding the conflict.
• Our resolution received overwhelming support by all segments of the community, and seemed to have a positive influence in both parties’ efforts to resolve the conflict.
• However, the conflict is not resolved. We continue to monitor the situation.

15. The Board established a new tradition – The LAPOA Members Weekend. The weekend includes:

• Learn to ski, sail, and row clinics
• Flotilla Party
• Annual Meeting and Dinner
• Sunday Morning Devotional
• Shore Clean Up

As you can see, it has been a very productive year for LAPOA.

We are currently working on our initiatives for 2014/2015. We will communicate them to you very soon.

This is our current membership report:

• We currently have 129 households as member-families of LAPOA.
• We have had 57 members register on our new website, some of which include members and spouses.
• We have had four additional people register on our website (Subscribers), two of whom are off-water property owners and two of whom are lakefront property owners who have not yet renewed their membership for the 2014-15 membership year.

If you have not already done so, please get registered on the Registration Page here.

Now, more than ever, it is important that we band together as concerned property owners to preserve the quality of Lake Athens. Please encourage your lakefront neighbors to join LAPOA.


Your LAPOA Board of Directors