AMWA Board of Directors Meeting, February 11th, 2015
The AMWA Board of Directors meeting on Wednesday ushered in some significant changes for the Authority, including the resignation of Executive Director Wylie Pirkle and the introduction of new staff members Darlene Forshage (Office Manager/Interim Executive Director) and Joshua Joplin (Police Chief/Building Inspector/Lake Patrol Officer).
The meeting was attended by around 70 people, including County Judge Richard Sanders, County Sheriff Ray Nutt, County Attorney Clint Davis, and Precinct 4 County Commissioner and LAPOA member, Ken Geeslin, all of Henderson County, and Mayor Jerry Don Vaught, City Councilmen Joe Whatley and Charles Elliott, and Police Chief Buddy Hill, all of the City of Athens. After introducing these distinguished guests, AMWA Board of Directors President and LAPOA member, Steve Sparkman, administered the oath of office to AMWA Police Chief Joplin.
Next, President Sparkman presented his Lake Athens Committee report. He explained that AMWA is unable to do anything with the marina facilities until April 1st due to the requirement to allow creditors 60 days to collect items against which they may have a lien. AMWA’s first priority after April 1st, Sparkman said, is to reopen the bait shop and fuel point. Beyond that, he said that AMWA plans to find and hire an Economic Development Consultant firm who has experience in the Texas and Oklahoma area with reservoirs similar to Lake Athens to see what kinds of development would have a good chance of succeeding.
Director Mike Peek chairs the Economic Development Committee and during his report he solicited volunteers to work with him on his committee. If you are interested in participating as a member of this committee you can contact AMWA by email at [email protected] or on their contact form here.
During each meeting, there is an agenda item allowing citizens to address the Board with any items of concern. Seven people spoke, with most comments related to the potential types of development in the marina area. To summarize the gist of the comments, the citizens were in favor of a nice marina restaurant, and a small bait, tackle and convenience store with a self-service fuel point with credit card swipe that would be open 24 hours a day. No one spoke in favor at any sort of hotel, motel or condominium type of development, nor was anyone in favor of a larger marina operation with numerous boat slip rentals.
Next, the AMWA Board of Directors retired to Executive Session to deliberate regarding the employment and duties of the Executive Director of AMWA. Upon returning from Executive Session, a motion was made, seconded and approved to accept the termination of the contract with Executive Director, Wylie Pirkle. Office Manager, Darlene Forshage, was appointed Interim Executive Director. Pirkle was quoted as saying after the meeting that his resignation was due to personal reasons.
Just before adjournment, President Sparkman announced that the next AMWA Board of Directors meeting would be changed to March 4th, the first Wednesday of the month, for March only. Normally, the meetings are the second Wednesday of the month.
For more information regarding the AMWA Board of Directors meeting, check out the article in the Athens Daily Review here and the one on Henderson County Now here.
What this means for LAPOA and the future
In light of Mr. Pirkle’s resignation, we believe that we have a golden opportunity before us to facilitate the unifying of the citizens of Athens, the Lake Athens property owners, AMWA, LAPOA, and the City of Athens around a common bond of preserving, and not ruining our wonderful lake.
To that end, the Lake Athens Property Owners Association Board will be creating a plan that we believe will preserve and enhance the lake. We will reach out to all stakeholders in an effort to forge a common bond, and to implement measures that will preserve and enhance the lake for generations to come.
As we have just seen, it is imperative that we all remain informed and active if we want to preserve and enhance our lake. We will do our best to keep you informed.
In the meantime, here is what you can do to help:
- Please attend and participate in as many AMWA meetings as possible. AMWA standing meetings are scheduled for the 2nd Wednesday of each month, 8 a.m., at the Hart-Morris Conservation Center of TFFC. (You may keep abreast of AMWA on their website at We also have the AMWA meetings on our Calendar of Events). The March meeting is an exception; due to spring break, it will be held on March 4th, the first Wednesday.
- Share your concerns with fellow citizens in the city and at the lake.
- Encourage all Lake Athens Property Owners to join LAPOA. They may join on our website at
- Share any information or ideas you have with the LAPOA Board. You may email us at [email protected].
We are truly privileged to be in community with such wonderful people on such a magnificent lake. Thanks to you all for your efforts this week.
Your LAPOA Board of Directors