
Notice of 2014 LAPOA Board of Director Election

Dear LAPOA Members,

Members Visiting

In accordance with Lake Athens Property Owners Association Bylaws, this posting serves as notice that we will be holding the 2014 Lake Athens Property Owners Association Board of Directors election in conjunction with the Annual Members Meeting on Saturday evening, June 14th, at the Conservation Center of the Texas Freshwater Fisheries Center. The terms of three of the current Directors are expiring in June. Each Director is elected to a three year term of service.

The three incumbent members of the Board of Directors whose terms are expiring are Sam Whitten, Jane Nettune (currently Treasurer) and Dorian Reeder (currently Secretary, completing Jerry Bergman’s term). Each of these Directors has expressed their willingness to continue to serve on the Board.

Our Board of Director meetings are held once a month, usually on the second Thursday of the month, at 9:00 a.m. in Athens. We understand that our Directors are volunteers, but we expect them to attend a minimum of nine of the 12 Board meetings each year.

If you are:

  1. 1) a member in good standing of LAPOA for the January 2014 – June 2015 membership period,
  2. 2) interested in running for a seat on the Board of Directors, and
  3. 3) willing and able to commit to attending a minimum of nine of the 12 Board meetings each year, for three years,

then we ask that you contact us by email at [email protected] to express your interest. In your email, please tell us a little about yourself and include a short paragraph explaining why you want to serve on the LAPOA Board of Directors.

We hope to see you at the Annual Members Meeting on June 14th and out on the Lake!


Your Board of Directors