
LAPOA Sponsored Debate

RE: LAPOA Sponsored DEBATE, March 29, 7 P.M., Recreation Outreach Center (ROC), First Baptist Church, 105 S. Carroll St., Athens, TX

We are pleased to inform you that in addition to the previously agreed upon speaker from AMWA, the City has now come forward with a commitment to send someone to speak at the upcoming meeting at the ROC. As noted in our last correspondence, one factor in our support for AMWA was that only AMWA responded to our invitation to present their facts on this issue in a public forum.

Now that the City and AMWA have both committed to a public debate, we feel it is in the best interest of the LAPOA membership to adopt a position of neutrality on all issues related to lake management until after learning the facts as presented by both sides on March 29. To that end, Kyle Henderson, Senior Pastor at First Baptist Church, has agreed to be the impartial moderator for the debate. Please take this opportunity to become informed by attending the meeting. It is our hope that this public debate might somehow help to advance the possibility of a negotiated settlement.


LAPOA Board of Directors