
2014 LAPOA Annual Members Weekend

The Lake Athens Property Owners Association held its first annual Members Weekend on June 14th and 15th, 2014. Several social events were planned in addition to the Annual Members Meeting and Dinner on Saturday evening.

Hobie Cat Fun

Hobie Cat Fun

Even though some events were better attended than others, those members who did attend enjoyed themselves and had positive comments to offer.

Saturday morning – Club Clinics:  Even though there were no registrants for the sailing, rowing and skiing clinics, the sailors were out in force enjoying a windy morning.

It was reported that the Hobie Cats offered an especially exhilarating ride!

Floating and Fellowship

Floating and Fellowship

Flotilla for the Dogs

Even the dogs enjoyed the Flotilla Party

Saturday afternoon – Flotilla Party: At various times, there were between six and eight boats rafted together north of Goat Island in “Goat Island Sound”.

Everyone enjoyed meeting new lake neighbors and catching up with old ones.

Swimming, floating, visiting and enjoying a beverage with friends; a good time was had by all.

Swimming at the Flotilla

Swimming at the Flotilla

Dinner Time

Dinner Time

Saturday evening – Annual Members Meeting and Dinner:  The Hart-Morris Conservation Center at the Texas Freshwater Fisheries Center (TFFC) offered the perfect venue for our Annual Members Meeting and Dinner. Special thanks goes to Mr. Jim Booker, Events Coordinator with TFFC for coordinating our use of the facility.

There were around 65 in attendance, including eight new and renewal members.  Danny’s Smokehouse Bar-B-Q catered a meal of smoked brisket and ham, with all the trimmings.

After dinner, President Todd Garrett began the short business meeting with some levity.  After having everyone stand, he gradually had members be seated whose boats were not longer than 20′, then 21′, etc., until the only one left standing was Cindy Wilkins, the member with the longest boat at 26′.  Next, Todd followed a similar procedure to determine the member with the oldest boat, a 1969 Sea King 14′ aluminum boat owned by Richard Griffin.  Each of these two winners was awarded the much desired LAPOA T-shirt!  Congratulations to Cindy and Richard!

Finally, he attempted to determine the member with the most boats using a similar technique, but there seemed to be some uncertainty whether Todd himself or another member had the most boats, so the idea was scrapped.  All-in-all, a nice, lighthearted way to start the short business meeting.

T-Shirt Table

T-Shirt Table

After introducing the members of the Board of Directors, Todd asked Director Dorian Reeder, Secretary, to present the Membership Report and conduct the annual Board of Directors election.  Dorian reported that prior to any members who joined or renewed their memberships that evening, the Association had 118 currently paid members, but 75 of those had not yet registered on the new website.  He then pleaded with the members who had not yet registered to go to the Registration Page and get themselves registered so that they can continue to receive email correspondence from the Association.  (Editorial comment:  PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE go register. smiley-cool )

Next, Dorian reviewed the requirements of the Association Bylaws for an annual election of members of the Board of Directors.  He also reported that the Board had solicited members via email who were interested in running for a seat on the Board.  Because there were no replies to this solicitation, the only candidates for the three expiring seats were the three incumbent Directors, Sam Whitten, Jane Nettune and Dorian Reeder.  A simple voice vote was conducted and the result of the election was that the three incumbents were unanimously reelected.

Following the election, Todd presented his State of the Association report, briefly reviewing all of the events transpired, resolutions passed, and actions taken by the Board on behalf of the members since the last Annual Meeting in June 2013.  It was indeed a busy year for LAPOA!

The final agenda item was to open the meeting to the members for critiques, comments and questions, of which there were only a few.  Todd then adjourned the meeting.

Sunday morning – Lakeside Devotional Service: LAPOA member and graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary, Steve Blaising, led the Sunday morning devotional at Oakwood Park.  Prayer, coffee and lots of (not) fat-free pastries were enjoyed by all.

Sunday afternoon – Property Owner Shore Cleanup: We trust that each and every LAPOA member spent time Sunday afternoon cleaning up any trash and weeds along their shoreline. smiley-wink

Cheers to you!

Cheers to you!

We wish to thank all who participated in the weekend’s events. We hope that each of you found it to be an enjoyable and worthwhile weekend.  We hope you will plan to participate again next year and that you will encourage your neighbors to join you.


Together with you, “Keeping Lake Athens the best it can be”,

Your LAPOA Board of Directors