
“Green” Boating

We all LOVE the power and speed of our ski boats, wakeboard boats, jet skis, pontoon boats, and so on, there’s no arguing that. But there’s a time for slow and steady too, and more and more, there’s an interest in “green” everything. So…how about “green” boating?

Peddle Power…

Traditional Paddle Boat

Traditional Paddle Boat

Peddle (or paddle) boats are typically the small, low-in-the-water kind of boat pictured at the left. They usually seat two or three people. They have a small paddle wheel for propulsion, powered by the peddling of the passengers, and a small rudder attached to a lever of some sort for steering.

There are alternatives to the traditional paddle boats. One is the Aqua Cycle, a pontoon paddle boat. There are various configurations available, but the one pictured is the Aqua Cycle II. It has seating for two facing forward and Read More


Summer 2014 Members Update

Dear Lake Athens Neighbors,

2013/2014 has been an eventful period on Lake Athens, and a busy time for your LAPOA Board. We would like to update you on the work that has been accomplished, as well as future initiatives.

The following 2013/2014 accomplishments were presented to the LAPOA membership at our June 13 Annual Meeting and Dinner:

1. Due to the concerns of low water levels, we initiated and hosted a meeting for our membership with the Executive Director of AMWA in order to hear AMWA’s side of the story regarding water levels, water usage, and other lake related issues.

2. LAPOA started Clubs in order to build community on Lake Athens. We currently have a Sailing Club, Skiing Club, and Rowing Club. Members are enjoying being Read More


Removing Lakefront Weeds

Got annoying weeds along your shoreline? We can’t legally put chemicals in the water to kill them, but there might be another solution.

Weed Razer

Weed Razer

During the Annual Members Meeting on June 14th, 2014, one member asked that question. There were two other members who recommended the same product, the “Weed Razer” by Jenlis Inc. Although LAPOA does not endorse products, these two member families who own it and had used it had high praise for it. Jenlis’ website homepage is

The Weed Razer has two 32 inch blades which, after assembly, provide a 48 inch cutting swath. Its handle is 65 inches long and comes with 25 feet of rope to allow throwing and retrieving. It weighs less than eight pounds. The company states that average assembly time is about 15 minutes and an online instructional video covering assembly is available on the product’s web page. The video runs just under nine minutes. Read More


2014 LAPOA Annual Members Weekend

The Lake Athens Property Owners Association held its first annual Members Weekend on June 14th and 15th, 2014. Several social events were planned in addition to the Annual Members Meeting and Dinner on Saturday evening.

Hobie Cat Fun

Hobie Cat Fun

Even though some events were better attended than others, those members who did attend enjoyed themselves and had positive comments to offer.

Saturday morning – Club Clinics:  Even though there were no registrants for the sailing, rowing and skiing clinics, the sailors were out in force enjoying a windy morning.

It was reported that the Hobie Cats offered an especially exhilarating ride!

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Important Message for Texas Boaters

Zebra Mussel

On May 23rd, 2014, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department sent this important bulletin regarding zebra mussels.

“Dear Boater,

Our lakes and rivers are under attack by zebra mussels. This destructive invasive species damages boats, harms aquatic life, litters beaches with their sharp shells and clogs water intakes – increasing bills for both boat owners and city taxpayers. Lake Texoma, Ray Roberts, Lewisville, Bridgeport, Belton and Lavon are already infested – and without your help, zebra mussels could spread throughout the state. Watch this short video to learn more. Read More


First Annual LAPOA Property Owners Weekend – June 14-15

Dear LAPOA Members and other Lake Athens property owners,

You are invited to participate in the First Annual LAPOA Property Owners Weekend on beautiful Lake Athens. Not a member of LAPOA? No problem! You can join on the Members page.

This is the beginning of a new tradition for property owners at Lake Athens that will provide a wonderful opportunity to build community with your fellow owners, hear the latest news, and help beautify the lake.

Schedule of Events

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Notice of 2014 LAPOA Board of Director Election

Dear LAPOA Members,

Members Visiting

In accordance with Lake Athens Property Owners Association Bylaws, this posting serves as notice that we will be holding the 2014 Lake Athens Property Owners Association Board of Directors election in conjunction with the Annual Members Meeting on Saturday evening, June 14th, at the Conservation Center of the Texas Freshwater Fisheries Center. The terms of three of the current Directors are expiring in June. Each Director is elected to a three year term of service. Read More


Lake Athens Hydrilla Survey 2014

(Reproduced from an email from Richard Ott, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department)

Aquatic Vegetation

Aquatic Vegetation

We conducted our 2014 hydrilla survey of Lake Athens yesterday. Using our side-scan sonar we circumnavigated the entire perimeter of the reservoir. At any location where the sonar signature changed we collected a grab sample of the vegetation using a weed rake to identify species. We were unable to find any substantial concentrations of hydrilla. At two locations (well offshore) on the south side of the lake we collected individual, very small (less than three inch) sprigs of hydrilla. These sprigs were contained in a matrix of native species such as vallisneria, coontail, and Illinois pondweed. These locations were also well over 150 feet from the 440 MSL shoreline. We were unable to identify any hydrilla along the northeast shoreline where we measured approximately 1 acre last August (map attached). It appears that under the unusual hydrological conditions we have experienced since 2011 hydrilla is continuing to decline in competition with the native aquatic vegetation. Read More


LAPOA’s New Website is here (finally)!

It’s been a long time coming!

We are happy to announce that the NEW Lake Athens Property Owners Association website is up and running!  We hope that you find it informative, attractive, fun and useful.  You will see some of the same features, as well as some new ones.

One big difference is that you will need to REGISTER ON THE NEW WEBSITE in order to receive emails from LAPOA.  You will need to create a username and a password.  The new website is an SSL secured website (notice the ‘https’ in the address bar or the padlock in the status bar), so rest assured that your personal information is safeguarded.

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Save the Dates-Early Summer 2014


These are some upcoming events happening on Lake Athens.

  • Lake Athens Sailing Club Spring Regatta:  May 3rd – click here for more info.
  • First annual Lake Athens Property Owners Weekend and Annual Meeting.

When:  Saturday, June 14, 2014 – Sunday, June 15, 2014
Saturday 9AM – 12PM:  Learn to Sail, Ski, and Row Clinics
Saturday 2PM – 4PM:  Flotilla Party north of Goat Island
Saturday 6PM – 8PM:  Annual Meeting and Dinner at the Fish Hatchery
Sunday:  Property Owner Shore Clean Up

More info to follow

  • Skiin’ with the Galilean:  June 17th-19th – click here for more info.